ZMQContext {
__construct ([ integer $io_threads = 1 [, boolean $is_persistent = true ]] )
public mixed getOpt ( string $key )
public ZMQSocket getSocket ( integer $type [, string $persistent_id = null [, callback $on_new_socket = null ]] )
public boolean isPersistent ( void )
public ZMQContext setOpt ( integer $key , mixed $value )
ZMQContext::__construct — Construct a new ZMQContext object
ZMQContext::getOpt — Get context option
ZMQContext::getSocket — Create a new socket
ZMQContext::isPersistent — Whether the context is persistent
ZMQContext::setOpt — Set a socket option
public ZMQSocket ZMQSocket::bind ( string $dsn [, boolean $force = false ] ) 新增一个绑定 public ZMQSocket ZMQSocket::unbind ( string $dsn ) 解除绑定
public boolean ZMQSocket::isPersistent ( void ) 检测socket是否持久 public array ZMQSocket::getEndpoints ( void ) 获取端点列表 public string ZMQSocket::getPersistentId ( void ) 获取持久ID
public string ZMQSocket::recv ([ integer $mode = 0 ] ) 收取一条信息 public string ZMQSocket::recvMulti ([ integer $mode = 0 ] ) 收取多条信息, public ZMQSocket ZMQSocket::send ( array $message [, integer $mode = 0 ] ) 发送一条信息 public ZMQSocket ZMQSocket::sendmulti ( array $message [, integer $mode = 0 ] ) 发送一组信息,需要与recvMulti搭配使用
public integer ZMQSocket::getSocketType ( void ) 获取socket类型 public mixed ZMQSocket::getSockOpt ( string $key ) 获取一个socket属性 public ZMQSocket ZMQSocket::setSockOpt ( integer $key , mixed $value ) 设置一个sokcet属性
public array ZMQSocket::getEndpoints ( void ) 获取端点列表
$queue = new ZMQSocket(new ZMQContext(), ZMQ::SOCKET_REQ, "MySock1");
/* Connect to an endpoint */
$status = $queue->getEndpoints();
[connect] => Array
[0] => tcp://
[bind] => Array
public string ZMQSocket::getPersistentId ( void ) 获取持久ID
$queue = new ZMQSocket(new ZMQContext(), ZMQ::SOCKET_REQ, "MySock1");
/* Connect to an endpoint */
echo $status = $queue->getPersistentId();
//输出结果:MySock1,为new ZMQSocket中的第三个参数
public integer ZMQSocket::getSocketType ( void ) 获取socket类型
$queue = new ZMQSocket(new ZMQContext(), ZMQ::SOCKET_REQ, "MySock1");
/* Connect to an endpoint */
echo $status = $queue->getSocketType();
//输出结果:3,为new ZMQSocket中的第二个参数